“Don’t climb,
Alimak has become the global leader and trail blazer in the design and manufacture of high quality vertical access solutions. They provide industrial elevators, construction hoists, mast climbing work platforms, and material hoists for permanent and temporary installations, for a range of industries. With 70 years accumulated experience they have an extensive installed base, which comprises over 23,000 access solutions deployed across various industries worldwide.
Projects - video
‘My Alimak’ - Canary Wharf
‘My Alimak’ - Rushden
Don’t climb, Elevate! - Ketton Cement Plant
As part of Alimak’s “Don’t climb, Elevate!” campaign ONfilm were invited to create an updated and modernised version of a video that was originally produced in the 1990’s. This required a narrative which showed the difference between the physical struggle of a worker climbing the cement silo ladders, versus the ease of travelling in an Alimak lift. A shoot was arranged at Ketton Cement Plant in Stamford, and kitted out in our PPE gear we filmed James huffing and puffing his way up the ladder; exhausted when he reaches the top. His journey is more relaxed travelling in the Alimak lift, sipping water en-route he arrives refreshed and happy. Ed overcame some challenging camera positions during the shoot and in the final edit we added ominous music and heartbeat fx for the ladder climb, with an upbeat track for the lift journey, to further emphasise the difference between the two methods of travel. James was a real star and remained patient and calm throughout his demanding ordeal… he’s still awaiting his royalties from Alimak.
Director & Producer: Richard Newport
Cinematographer: Ed Stone
Editors: Ed Stone & Richard Newport
Starring: James Humphrey
“ONfilm were fantastic to work with. They understood exactly what we wanted and were able to advise on the best way to achieve it. We’re delighted with the results”
Maria Shaw
Sales & Marketing Administrator /CRM Support Specialist
Alimak Group